2024 WDC Board of Directors Call for Nominations
The Wisconsin Defense Counsel’s Board of Directors will have vacancies to fill as terms end in August 2024. The positions of Director in Northwest Counties (Ashland, Barron, Bayfield, Burnett, Chippewa, Douglas, Dunn, Eau Claire, Iron, Lincoln, Pierce, Polk, Price, Rusk, Saint Croix, Sawyer, Taylor, Washburn counties) and One Director in Dane County.
Please give some consideration to whether you would like to become more involved in WDC and be considered for nomination to the Board. The WDC Executive Committee will review names of those interested in a few weeks and the Board will vote on candidates in July 2024. The term as Director will start after the Annual Business Meeting on Thursday, August 10th. The term for the Northwest Director will run from 2024-26, and there is the option to renew for a 2nd term in 2026. The term for the Dane County Director will run from 2024-25, with the option for a full 1st term 2025-27 and a renewal for a full 2nd term in 2027.
To view our current Board of Directors, visit here.
If you are interested in serving on the WDC Board of Directors, please submit the information requested below to [email protected] by Friday, June 28th.
- Name, Firm/Company/Organization, Address, Phone Number and Email Address
- Please provide background about your practice and experience in the defense of parties engaged in civil litigation.
- What has been your involvement with WDC to date (committee service, presentations, Journal articles, etc.)?
- What skill set would you bring to WDC as a member of its Board of Directors?
- Please provide any other information relative to your nomination.
Board Member responsibilities include:
- Advance the mission of WDC
- Ensure fiscal responsibility and stability
- Ensure transparency to the membership
- Follow governing documents (Bylaws and Articles of Incorporation)
- Determine, monitor and enhance programs and services as related to the Strategic Plan
- Be visionary
- Be present and engaged
- Attend Board Meetings
- Be accountable and available
- Identify and recruit new leadership
What does it mean to serve on Wisconsin Defense Counsel’s Board of Directors?
Wisconsin Defense Counsel’s Board of Directors, along with the Executive Committee (President, President-Elect, Immediate Past President, Secretary-Treasurer, and Program Chair who are ex-officio members of the Board of Directors with full and complete rights of directors), constitutes the governing body of our organization. There are 16 Board of Director positions, 9 of which are from each of the State Bar regions (Central, Dane [3], Southwest, Southeast, Northeast, Northwest, Milwaukee). The other 7 Board positions are: Directors-at-Large (3), DRI State Representative, Young Lawyers Chair, Wisconsin Civil Trial Journal Editor (ex-officio non-voting member), and Website/Social Media Representative (ex-officio non-voting member). WDC’s Board of Directors meets three times a year, in person, at each of our three conferences (spring, annual, and winter), and as needed (virtually) for special matters. We typically hold a casual social event for executive committee members, board members and committee chairs/vice chairs in conjunction with each conference. Board members vote by email throughout the year on issues which arise, in accordance with our bylaws. Every 3-5 years, the Board meets to develop WDC’s future Strategic Plan. In the late fall/early winter we present, in the Milwaukee area, a half-day orientation for all new members of the Board of Directors, which the Executive Committee also attends. A social event will precede the orientation the evening before to promote networking and socialization. Serving on the Board of Directors can be a path to joining the Executive Committee and ultimately serving in all the officer roles within WDC. Per our bylaws, the incoming President selects the next Program Chair, who by automatic succession, continues on to the roles of Secretary/Treasurer, President-Elect, President and Immediate Past President positions. To be selected as the next Program Chair, a candidate must be a current member of the Board of Directors with at least one year of service on the Board. Our organization thrives when our Board is active and engaged. Board members are visible leaders of WDC and are encouraged to ensure their law firm/organization’s members are engaged in and supportive of WDC. Prompt responses to board decisions, including responses to e-votes, are essential to ensure a quorum and movement on association business. Board members should be willing to take on tasks as needed to advance WDC’s and its Committees’ goals, all of which are ultimately to best serve our membership. WDC cannot exist without its members. Member recruitment and retention is critical to our organization’s continued success. Each Director will automatically be added to the membership committee. (this is a pending issue) Directors are expected to engage in recruitment and retention efforts within their respective geographical region and are tasked with identifying potential award candidates from their respective geographical region.