Trial Results

In addition to scholarly articles, WDC regularly publishes trial results in the Wisconsin Civil Trial Journal. If you or someone you know has had a civil trial recently, we would like to include information about the results in our next issue of the Journal. We are looking for all results, good or bad. Submissions can be published anonymously upon request. Please submit your trial results directly to the WDC Journal Editor, Attorney Vincent Scipior, at [email protected].

Please include the following information:

  • Caption (case name and number)
  • Trial dates (month and year)
  • Brief summary of the background facts
  • Issues for trial (was liability contested, did the parties stipulate to damages, etc.)
  • At trial (what happened, who testified, what did the parties ask for, what did the jury award, etc.)
  • Plaintiff's final pre-trial demand
  • Defendant's final pre-trial offer
  • Verdict amount
  • Any other interesting information, issues, rulings, etc.

Past Trial Results can be found here:

News from Around the State: Trials and Verdicts Spring 2024

News from Around the State: Trials and Verdicts Winter 2023

News from Around the State: Trials and Verdicts - Spring 2023

News from Around the State: Trials and Verdicts - Winter 2022

News from Around the State: Trials and Verdicts - Summer 2022

News from Around the State: Trials and Verdicts - Spring 2022

News from Around the State: Trials and Verdicts - Winter 2021

News from Around the State: Trials and Verdicts - Summer 2021